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how and why we care


- most of our garments are made-to-order(which also allows YOU to customize your design), therefore, reduces waste and overstock

- all of our digital print items(tote bags, t-shirts, lighters etc) are provided by suppliers that care about sustainability and provide eco-dyes. on top of that, we never buy more than 25 at a time=no mass-production is happening

- we recycle garments(take a look at our recyclable collection) to give them a second life!*

- we try to reduce the amount of our fabric/yarn waste by creating smaller items - flower keychain/LOVESICK skirt are made out of small pieces of fabric that are left from making other garments.

- our garments are made by hand and with a lot of love. it makes a delivery time a bit longer, but there is no worker exploitation. 



we do NOT support fast fashion. no garment should endanger our planet or someone's life. let's look at some statistics:

- less than 1% of materials for clothing production is recycled

- 30% of fast fashion items are unsold

- 92 million tons of garment and textile waste is discarded annually

- there is a garbage truck of clothing and apparel dumped or burned in a landfill every second

- fast fashion garments are accountable for 20% to 35% of microplastic found in the ocean

- the fashion industry is the second-largest consumer of water, just behind agriculture.

- the fashion industry’s emissions are estimated to increase 49% by 2030

- fashion industry consumption is projected to increase 63% by 2030

- the production of a polyester t-shirt produces 262% more emissions than a cotton shirt.

let's work together

we are always looking for sick people to work with. think you'll fit our vibe? reach out.

thanks for submitting!

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